Wonshondro Buam

Wonshondro Buam started drawing at a very young age, and received many prizes during his school days. These early achievements turned his attention to painting. Self taught just from the book “Drawing and painting for young people” written by Mervyn Levy, he gained so much inspiration from the book that in a very short period of time he could do oil paintings considered to be at par with any good artist of his place.

In spite of a gap of many years, emerging out of his engagement with his professional studies and career, his interest to painting has been as strong as ever before. In the early part of 2001, the switching over of many landscape painters to abstract art drew his attention. To his opinion, he felt that his style and technique should not be changed but should be improved. In 2003, after a long and in-depth review of his style and technique, he decided to improve his style and technique by way of realizing/depicting the abstract idea using real objects in a realistic three dimensional space.

In 2004, he took up the work “Lest we forget the 911 event” which is based on his improved style and technique and in 2005 he took up the work “ A mystery behind the seven huts” which is again based on this technique. He is continuing to produce artworks based on this technique. His works of art caught the attention of many and currently, on the basis of the recognition as “a prominent art personality”, he is the member of the prestigious North East Zone Cultural Centre (NEZCC) a body under the Ministry of Art and Culture, Government of India.

Last but not the least is the religious/spiritual and mystical and side of his art. Religious/spiritual because he still recalls his early childhood dream of becoming an artist. An innocent child he was with such a simple faith and a simple prayer for a talent with a promise to the Giver to use the talent one day to glorify Him. Hopes and dreams are his for these promises not to be broken. The fulfilment may seem a distant dream but his recent works of art definitely manifest that he is striving towards that dream. Mystical because of many factors such as the influence of the writings of great philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, David Hume and many others, his natural tendency to mystical and intellectual life and so on. The religious/spiritual and mystical side of his art could be seen in most of his recent visionary art works.

Notes on “Mystery of Time” – 2023
The artwork is a depiction of the mystery of time as experienced by the artist. There are there three locations on the background, the high altitude mountain region, the lower altitude region and the sea level region and the sky on the background as well as the shades in these three locations depicting passage of time. Those living in higher altitudes tend to work very slowly and time to them seems to pass so slowly as well. Those living in lower altitudes tend to work faster and likewise, time to them seems to pass faster as well. And those living at the sea level tend to work much faster and likewise time to them seems to pass much faster as well. But in reality, earth is the same, so is the clock which is depicted on the foreground. The three human figures are moving at different speeds but time is the same to all of them and such is depicted by their movements and the red color second hand of the clock. These figures correspond to the three regions mentioned above. Part of the clock showing 9, 10 and 11 of the clock with hour hand close to 12, with minute hand in between 11 and 12 and the second hand on the eleventh hour, in a similar manner in which a doomsday clock depicts, depicts the position in human generation time frame we currently are. There are three sets of shadows of the three human figures with different spacing, which depicts the fact that as we run after time, time will apparent fly faster than us. There is a creeping plant on the edge of the clock, the greenest part of which is on top depicting recency, which grows anti clockwise with the reddish part depicting old age conveying a message that no matter how we may attempt to outbeat time, we are all governed by the Nature.


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