Simon Klein

Simon Klein lives and paints in Richmond, Greater London. He graduated from the Slade School of Art with a B.A. Hons in 1982, and in 1997, gained a M.A. in Contemporary Fine Art Practice at Kingston University.

Throughout his career Simon has been a prolific artist and has exhibited regularly. In 2017 his self-portrait was bought for The Ruth Borchard Collection. His work was recently shortlisted for the Chaiya Art Awards 2018, Oxo Tower London and the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours 2018, Mall Galleries London. He will be exhibiting at Jacqueline du Pré Music Building St Hilda’s College, Oxford, in July 2018.

Simon’s latest exhibition is Simon & Guillaume Klein: Imagined Bodies, Imagined Spaces, a two-man show with his son at One Paved Court Art Space and Studio in Richmond, Surrey.


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