Morgan Jesse Lappin

Morgan Jesse Lappin is a collector of the unusual, the sensual, and anything “magical”. Sometimes you can see him on his magic carpet hovering around Brooklyn, spreading love like butter on a hot southern biscuit. Morgan was kidnapped by a religious fanatic and survived, he can do 30 jumping jacks faster than any 7 year old in the world, yet he makes sure his room is vacuumed at least 4 times a day. Pro Russian Dancer, he travels the earth within his own mind, leaving bits and pieces of himself where ever he goes.

When making collage pieces the images Morgan uses come strictly from old encyclopedias, and other older publications. He uses nothing more than a physical cut and paste/tape method with all his work. The goal of his work is to make the viewer think about the characters in relation to the situation and environment in which they are placed. The juxtaposition of character and setting create witty and poignant statements that make people think, and most times smile. Newer works have taken on a new style in which smaller images are pieced together as if it was a puzzle that doesn’t exist. These grouped images eventually take become their own entity when completed.

In December 2013 he put together a band of merry collage artists and thus the Brooklyn Collage Collective was born. There are currently over 10 active members who exhibit their work in different galleries in both Manhattan and Brooklyn.


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