Justine Roland Cal

Justine Roland-Cal is a self-taught neurodivergent artist who has been painting for 40 years. She has developed a huge body of work both figurative and abstract exploring many aspects of her own life, her daily encounters, and her political voice. Many of her paintings represent a personal response to what concerns her as a woman and a humanitarian. She has often used found materials such as pieces of wood, discarded doors and large-scale canvasses. She has a striking use of colour, which prevails in huge ecstatic canvases of abstract expressionism and insightful documentation.

Justine paints with passion and spontaneity. Her work is expressionistic, raw and fantastical, and has been compared to the work of the avant-garde CoBrA movement. She began to exhibit in 1994 and has exhibited in numerous cultural centres and galleries in London and Paris, where she lived for 18 years, including Musée de la Création Franche in Bordeux (collections of outsider and self-taught artists). She also had a 3-level solo exhibition in Novas Contemporary Urban Centre in London.

Whilst developing as an artist Justine has worked in diverse areas including street theatre as a clown and fire eater, as an assistant to a fabric buyer at Kenzo in Paris where she was heavily inspired by the exposure to archives of fabrics from all over the world, which had been collected since the sixties.

All these experiences inform her painting.


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