George Lowe


“Lowe’s visionary landscapes provide a journey to a fantastical place. He has depicted colorful aerial topography, crop circles, three-dimensional cityscapes, and various modes of transportation. These highly intricate drawings often take nearly a year each to complete. Lowe is both a collector of Folk Art and a self-taught artist. His works are complex and distinctive: abstract from afar, but full of fine details and numerous stories when viewed up close. Lowe finds a sense of freedom in creating each artwork, “They tell me where we are going on each trip, and I just take us there.”

Text courtesy of The Museum of Fine Arts, St Petersburg

Lowe is also widely known for being the voice-over actor for the hugely popular cult animated series ‘Space Ghost’. The artist is represented in a number of American museum collections, including AVAM, who have his work in their permanent collection.

His work has been shown at The Bascom Center for Visual Arts, MFA St. Petersburg, The Polk Museum of Art in Central Florida, The High Museum of Art in Atlanta


Museum of Fine Arts St. Petersburg, Florida; American Visionary Art Museum, Baltimore, MD; High Museum, Atlanta, GA; The Georgia Museum, Athens, GA


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