Drood Fenrother

Drood Fenrother is a pseudonym for an outsider artist living in the quiet rural wilderness of the Cheviot Hills that straddle the Anglo-Scottish Borders.

The phantasmagorical scenes, lost characters and wondering monsters presented in the paintings, have the archetypal yet mysterious quality of folklore.

Their stories are not concluded, they are continuing to develop in the minds of the people that view them.

The abandoned landscape of the Border Reivers is transformed into a dark dreamscape, haunted by comic drolleries, demonic figures and alienated avatars. The memories of old cartoons are transcribed with gesture of fluid paint into wandering phantoms. Unreal cities erupt from abstract patterns like the bleached bones of the mycelial earth.

His painting is a form of dialogue with a deeper unconscious state, a revelation from the collected wisdom of the ancient and the infinite.


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