Daniel Martin Diaz

The Los Angeles Times has written that the work of self-taught artist Daniel Martin Diaz “…. is broodingly personal” with “…a compelling, esoteric edge.” His paintings, prints, and drawings are inspired by devotional folk art, which he blends with archaic imagery and old-world aesthetics. Artist Statement:

“One of my earliest memories as a child was the way death and religion played an important role in my family¹s life. My parents were born in Mexico with traditional beliefs, and their beliefs made their way into my subconscious.

The fact that many of those beliefs seemed to render no logical explanation has also influenced me. These unanswered questions find a home in my work, which evokes the mystery, fear and irony of those vivid memories of my past.

I do not claim to understand these questions. I just paint and let them reveal themselves to me.”

Visionary Artist Daniel Martin Diaz


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