George is an outsider artist who has been involved in creative expression from an early age. Painting, woodworking, etching, etching on glass, welding, sculpture, the art of soldering, work on small stones and collage, using all materials that fell into his hands he has created his works.
From the age of 27, he ran a store of art supplies and taught children how to paint. For the last 37 years he has spent most of his free time drawing, sketching, painting and writing. After retiring he finally has the time, experience and energy necessary to devote himself entirely to his creative expression. Fredi his wife encouraged him to list his works and to sell them on a famous auction site, which he did in April 2007 under the name EMO.
When asked why George Jagiello classes his works as “insane art”, he replied: “What I draw or paint is what I see in my mind or in the paper, water, sand, clouds or even peeling paint around me. There are thoughts, crazy images that most people, like me, censor, refuse and rejectas they are not rational. Through my creation I share such private small glimpses. Most of my family and friends still do not know to this day that I paint, sculpt, draw. I am a very private person, I have lived all my life in this way. The people with whom I worked for over 37 years do not know that my time is not limited only gardening, fishing or long trips with my wife Fredi”.